Developer/Commercial Clients
We can provide all, or a selection of the following services, dependent on your needs:
- Feasibility reports
- Cost Planning advice
- Project Management/Employers Agent role
- Advice on forms of Contract
- Advice on construction methods
- Appointment of Consultants (Architect’s, Structural Engineers, Mechanical & Electrical Engineers & others to suit the project needs)
- Preparation of tender documentation
- Management of the tendering process, including provision of tender reports
- Risk registers
- Preparation of Contract documentation
- Valuation analysis and certification
- Final account analysis and certification
- Provision of cost reports
- Delay and causation analysis
- Quantum claims
- Negotiation and settlement of claims
- Dispute Resolution Services
Our services are intended to be collaborative and designed to meet individual Developer/Client’s specific needs, thereby delivering on your specific project and service needs.